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Ministering Body and Soul to “The People of The Smoke”
This past week we had a medical/ministry team here from Illinois. This team has been partnering with AIM for 14 years, 12 in Mexico and the last 2 here in Nicaragua. The medical team ran clinics in 4 different communities. In El Guayabo, the doctor set up in a local school and saw around 60 patients. He was tired that evening. The next day, he set up in El Fortin, and saw around 140 patients. He didn’t return to our base until 7:00 that evening, working with the last few patients in the dark with nothing but cell phone lights. That night, he was exhausted!! On the third day, Dr. Reese set up literally in the dump, called Basurero La Joya(Basurero means dump, La Joya means jewel. Go Figure). While only working a half a day, he saw approximately 40 patients, while the rest of the team served the waiting people a hot lunch. Finally, on the last day, Dr. Tom set up in el Pantanal en la Tanque, again for one half a day, seeing around 40 patients. In addition, The ministry team held VBS every afternoon in el Pantanal while in the morning visited homes and even holding a Bible study. On Tuesday, three mid-teen boys (toughs, I might add) came to the Lord after two hours of really awesome discussion. Please pray that they will be responsive to being discipled by the staff of El Puente, who are cultivating this area for Christ.
On the final night of debriefing, Dr. Tom told everyone that his favorite clinic was in the dump. I told him that he had a “supernatural anointing”. The whole trip was amazing.