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After two short and easy flights, the team has arrived safely in Granada! 

Although it's been a long travel day, everyone has a renewed energy and is excited to finally be in Nicaragua. Please be praying continually for the Lord's joy and peace to flow through our team into the next ten days. 


2 responses to “The June Ambassadors Team has Arrived!”

  1. Yay! Praying for Ethan, Matt, James, Anna, Kellie, and Montana…along with Gary and Robin!!

  2. 6/27/13 All my love , prayers For Ethan, Matt , James, Anna,Kelly, Montana, Leaders . Also, To The Pastors & others in the churches in Nicaragua : Philippians 3:8- 14. Ezra 7:10,28. 8:18. Esther 4:14.
    God bless you all & THIS mission trip and ALL that follow!