
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Our days always started with prayer and devotions as well as some much needed breakfast to get our motors running before ministry!

There is a local dump about 15 minutes outside of town.  Over the past 5 years a local from the church named Mario has been going out to this dump where people spend their days sifting through the trash so they can make some money.  Mario and some volunteers from the church go out with food and the Gospel.  We were privileged to help them with the feeding, pass out basic supplies, preach the Gospel and share a few of our personal testimonies. 


After sharing some testimonies and passing out food, one young man came forward and shared that he wanted more Jesus in his life and that he wanted to start going to church again.  PRAISE GOD! 

About six months ago Pastor Manfredo, a local pastor in Granada, and a couple of the missionaries decided to start a new church.  In the beginning there were only four people in attendance, but God is faithful and the church has steadily been growing.  We were able to go and share a teaching about God’s faithfulness as well as share some testimonies with the growing church.

The church congregates just outside of one of the locals houses to sing, pray, and worship.  It was a blessing to worship with our brothers and sisters!  They even brought out a Pinata!

Throughout the week we were privileged to minister to multiple groups of kids through VBS and sports.

Our days were full and our bodies got tired, but the Lord blessed us with His strength to do His work!!!

If you are interested in serving in Nicaragua or another location

then check out our trips here.